Increase vehicle bookings through your website

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Nowadays, businesses of any type must think about the appropriate commercial actions to generate more sales from the digital world. This same case applies to mobility companies, mainly vehicle rental companies or companies that offer vehicle subscription services. A few years ago we still saw that vehicle rentals were done offline, with physical locations and queues at the rent a car counters.

This in-person rental paradigm has been changing over the years and the digital era has brought the possibility of booking vehicles in advance through a mobile device. Now it is possible to know the prices, the availability of the vehicles and immediately be able to reserve a car for the days that users need; all this through specialized software.

Thanks to the technology of the Flit2GO® vehicle rental web reservation system, companies such as rent a car and subscription services can diversify their sales channels, improve operations by reducing service times, improve the customer experience. customer and connect all the company’s information under the same mobility technological platform.

Sistema de reservas web de Flit2GO, para rent a car y suscripción. Software alquiler de vehiculos.

Implement the booking system on your mobility company’s website

Having a web reservation system and software improves all the internal processes of a company that provides mobility services, builds customer loyalty and reaches new ones through searches, recommendations and channels from other collaborators.

With the Flit2GO vehicle reservation system integrated into your website, you will have a functional and professional tool in which your clients can reserve instantly, in addition to managing the reservation internally through our software with operations ERP, ideal for companies of mobility. With this technology, your clients’ data is protected, you can create client records, generate invoices and online payments, and much more.

Implementing the reservation system on the website of mobility companies such as rent a car or subscription services is very easy, you just have to contact to Flit2GO® mobility software expert, book an appointment and in a few days you will have the system of reservations running on your vehicle rental website.

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