Software for electric vehicles and data insights

Fleet management software - flit2go
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There are a variety of software tools available for electric vehicles (EVs) and related data. Some examples include:

Charging station management software: This type of software helps manage and operate charging stations, including monitoring charging status, tracking energy usage, and handling payments.

Fleet management software: This software is designed to help manage fleets of vehicles, including EVs. It can be used to track the location of vehicles, monitor their usage and performance, and schedule maintenance.

Flit2GO’s App connected to the Fleet Management software

Energy management software: This software is used to optimize the charging and discharging of EV batteries, and to integrate EV charging with the overall energy management of a building or campus.

Data analytics software: This software is used to analyze data from EVs and charging systems, such as energy usage patterns and trends, to help with planning and optimization.

Connectivity vehicle software: Some automakers and third-party providers offer software that allows vehicles to communicate with the cloud, which can be used to provide services such as vehicle remote control, diagnostics, and over-the-air updates.

All of these software tools allow to monitor the efficiency and performance of the vehicles and its charging.

It’s also possible to integrate into a larger system such as a Smart Grid, which allows for a more efficient use of energy in the grid.

It also worth noting that there are some open-source software for EV data analytics, such as OpenEVSE, which allows for analysis of data collected by charging stations, and OpenChargeMap, which is an open database of charging stations worldwide.

Overall the software for Electric vehicle is becoming crucial for the growth and adoption of electric vehicles, providing the necessary data and control for a more efficient and sustainable use of these vehicles. This software is also perfect for automotive leasing companies and car dealers interested in car leasing services.

With Flit2go’s modular vehicle management software you can manage your electric vehicle business and control all fleet processes. Contact us for more information here 👇

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